An Interview with Miryam Gover de Nasatsky
Gover de Nasatsky, Miryam (Interviewee)
Sadow, Stephen (Interviewer)
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2012
Type of resource
Moving image
Video recordings
Digital origin
born digital
Video interview conducted in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by Professor Stephen Sadow in 2012.
In Spanish, with English subtitles.
Miryam Gover de Nasatsky nació en Buenos Aires. Fue profesora en letras egresada de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), de Argentina. Fue becaria del Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Es docente e investigadora e integrante del Instituto Literario y Cultural Hispánico (California, EEUU), y colabora en revistas literarias. Gover de Nasatsky ha publicado, entre otros trabajos de investigación, "Bibliografía de Alberto Gerchunoff" (1976), "Poesía argentina del siglo XX" (1981), y "Escritores judeo-argentinos: Bibliografía 1900-1987" (con A. Weinstein, 1994). También ha publicado dos poemarios, "Persistentes vibraciones" (1999) y "Resonancias de Auschwitz" (2011), y las novelas "La pasión de un visionario: Theodor Herzl" (2004) y "Desde la cima: reminiscencias de David Ben-Gurión" (2008).
Miryam Gover de Nasatsky was born in Buenos Aires and graduated from the National University of the Litoral in Argentina. She received a grant from Argentina's National Fund for the Arts. She is a teacher, a researcher, and a member of the Hispanic Literary and Cultural Institute, in California, and she writes for literary magazines. Gover de Nasatsky has published, among other research works, "Bibliografía de Alberto Gerchunoff" ("Bibliography of Alberto Gerchunoff," 1976), "Poesía Argentina del Siglo XX" ("Argentine Poetry of the 20th Century," 1981), and "Escritores Judeo-Argentinos: Bibliografía 1900-1987" ("Jewish-Argentine Writers: Bibliography 1900-1987," with A. Weinstein, 1994). She has also published two books of poetry, "Persistentes Vibraciones" ("Persistent Vibrations," 1999) and "Resonancias de Auschwitz" ("Resonances of Auschwitz," 2011), and the novels "La Pasión de un Visionario: Theodor Herzl" ("The Passion of a Visionary: Theodor Herzl," 2004) and "Desde la Cima: Reminiscencias de David Ben-Gurión" ("From the Top: Reminiscences of David Ben-Gurion," 2008).
Subjects and keywords
Gover de Nasatsky, Miryam
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